Dear Customer
Obtain a new IDE hard drive large enough to load all the songs from your discs. Each song is around 4MB, and so 1000 songs will require 4GB.
Format the hard drive as a JB-99 hard drive. The instruction for formatting JB-99 hard drive is in the website and in the user forum.
Extract and load the songs from the discs into the new hard drive using MCG Manager (to extract) and IDE transfer method (to transfer) of JB-99. Song numbers should start from 1 to 19999.
Set the pin setting of the hard drive as Slave.
Connect the hard drive as the second hard drive in the JB-99 using the IDE cable with two connectors for two hard drives. On this cable, the original hard drive iinside is first attached. The cable is then slid out of the case to connect to the new hard drive.
Turn on the JB-99 unit. Using the song numbers from 1 – 19999, you can play the songs inside your original hard drive. Using song number from 20001 – 39999, you can play the songs 1 – 19999 inside the new hard drive.
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JB-99 >> Content of Hard Drive(99)