We start with a Shuttle that is already assembled with a hard drive (containing the Windows 10 system and the PlayCDG KJ Deluxe 64 LT program) and RAM.
Connect the Shuttle with Power supply, Red dongle for any Subscription songs, Key board and mouse, and LAN cable going to a router. Be sure that the LAN cable is connected to a LAN port, not a WAN port, of the router.
Start the Shuttle. Power on the router. In the Shuttle close the PlayCDG KJ Deluxe 64 LT program that may start automatically and open an Internet browser. Input into the URL address field to enter into the router admin. Input \”admin\” and \”admin\” as ID and Password.
Inside the router, go to Network > Lan and set the IP address as changing from The reboot the router.
Power off the router. Close the Internet browser. Reopen the internet browser and power on the router. In the URL address field, input to enter into the router. Type in \”admin\” and \”admin\” for the ID and Password.
Go to Wireless. Change the name of the router (SSID) and save. Disable the WPS and save. Disable the Security settings (WPA/WPA2) and save.
Go to DHCP > Client List. Copy the MAC address of the Shuttle. Go to DHCP > Address Reservation. Press Add New and input the MAC address of the Shuttle. Next input as the IP address. Next select Enable for the Status. Save.
The setting up of the router is complete. Logoff from the Router or close the Internet browser.
Next we mark the Shuttle and the router as a pair. The Shuttle is set to have the IP address whenever connected to the router.