How to set the JB-199 Premier unit to a single screen mode.

JB-199 Premier unit comes with the dual screen mode in which a PC monitor shows the control panel and a TV monitor shows the lyrics for customers.  To change this dual screen mode to a single screen mode, in which both the PC monitor and TV monitor show the lyric screen only, please follow the intructions below:

  • Close the JB-199 program by clicking on the \”X\” mark at the upper right coner on the control panel with your mouse. You should now be in Windows desktop.
  • Double click on JBConfig.exe on the desktop.  It has a gray icon with a symbol of a hammer.  When the program opens, select Full (instead of Window) for Display mode.  Then press OK.
  • Double click on JB-199 Startup.exe at the desktop.  The JB-199 program will start in the single screen mode.
  • To reverse the process, to go from the single screen mode to the double screen mode, follow the instruction above and select Window (insterad of Full) for Display mode.  Note that this is possible only for Premier units or Dual Screen Upgraded units.




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