How do I manually convert my hard drive to CAVS’ newer structure?

1. The most important thing you need is a juke.txt file that is COMPLETE.

2. Create a new folder inside the folder you currently have all the songs and name it _Songs exactly(case sensitive and must have underscore)

3. Cut/Paste all of your MCG and MP3 files into the new folder(_Songs)

4. You should have only something like this:

Figure 1
\"Drive Letter\"...|...|__\"Main Folder\"..........|_\"_Songs\"..........|     |_00001.mp3(per song)..........|     |_00001.mcg(per song)..........|..........|_\"juke.txt\"..........|_\"english.inx\"(not required)

5. Bundled with the MCG Manager came a program called INXMaker.
(Start -> All Programs -> CAVS -> MCG Manager ->

6. Open that program (Index Make)

7. Under read file click Browse and select the juke.txt that is inside the folder we are working on and press Open.

8. Check the box that says \”write file in same folder\” and click CONVERT

9. If you get an error please read the results.txt file and it will state in what \”row\” the error was found.

10. Open the juke.txt file and examine the rows around where the error occured and fix it.

11. Save the juke.txt file

12. Try again and keep doing this until it proceeds past the error.

13. Depending on how many songs are inside the folder it might takeanywhere from a couple minutes to a couple hours. It might freeze butbe a sure that it will still be working in the background so please bepatient.

14. A new file would have been created if successful.(Address.inx)

15. The outcome should look something like this.


Figure 2:
\"Drive Letter\"...|...|__\"Main Folder\"..........|_\"_Songs\"..........|     |_00001.mp3(per song)..........|     |_00001.mcg(per song)..........|..........|_\"address.inx\"..........|_\"juke.txt\"..........|_\"english.inx\"


Sub Categories: 
DVD Karaoke Player >> USB/Hard drive(DVD)
Category: Archived
Tag: MCG Manager