- Download the JB Manager Software
Available here: http://cavsusa.com/product/H_player/jb99.htm#upgrade - Install the latest version using the instructions:
2.1.1 Download the new upgrade program jb99-xxxx-xxxx.exe from our
website http://www.cavsusa.com/jb-99.htm into a directory of your
choice in PC. Be sure to select a correct version of the upgrade
program for your Windows version (Windows 95, 98, ME or 2000, NT, XP)
in PC.2.1.2 The file jb99-xxxx-xxxx.exe is a self-extracting file. Double
click on the file and it will unzip among other files, Readme.txt,
Juke.exe, and JBMxxxx.exe into the directory.2.1.3 Read the Readme.txt for the changes in the latest upgrade
programs.2.1.4 Double click on JBMxxxx.exe to begin installing the new JBManager
program. Follow the menu to complete the installation.2.2 Installing New Firmware For JB-99
2.2.1 Connect the PC with JB-99 unit via FX cable and start the new
JBManager program in your PC. Also turn on your JB-99 unit and
select 3. Capture CDG mode from the main menu.2.2.2 Using the Step 3. Data Transfer in JBManager program, transfer
the new downloaded Juke.exe from PC into your JB-99. When asked to
input a song number for the file Juke.exe, insert any number that is
not used before. This number will have no significance afterward.2.2.3 When the transfer of Juke.exe is completed, power off the JB-99
and after 10 seconds, power on the JB-99. While the unit is booting
up, you should be a display of the new software version, for example,
00.xx, on the TV screen that confirms a successful upgrade of the
firmware Juke.exe. - Repeat 2.2.2 from above to transfer your edited title.txt to the JB-99
*TITLE.TXT attached below
**You may edit the top 3 line.
**There is a character limit per line (keep it short)
How do I change the welcome screen?
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