Search for your favorite songs and download online

In this page, we introduce a speedy and free way to find  karaoke songs of all genre and regions.
First open an Internet browser such as Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome and go to or Search for your song by typing in any part of the title or artist name. For a faster and more relevant result, you may combine the title and artist name. Be sure to include the word “karaoke” in front to limit your search to karaoke songs with lyrics.

Here are some examples of search words:

Karaoke Elvis Presley
Karaoke Love Me Tender
Karaoke Elvis Presley Love Me Tender
Karaoke Love Me Tender Elvis Presley
Karaoke Frank Sinatra My Way
Karaoke Sinatra Frank My Way
Karaoke Tom Jones Delilah
Karaoke Delilah Tom Jones
The search result will show multiple matches, often thousands. Browse through the matches to find the one that best fits your need.

Follow the instruction at Wikihow to download “4K Video Downloader” and install into your PC/laptop. This free program can download video files from online into your PC/laptop. Use the instruction given here to download the video file (song) found from your search.

If you are using Microsoft Edge, you can alternatively install a downloader extension. Go to Microsoft Store and look for a video downloader. You will find more than 800 apps among which we recommend the free “Video Downloader Professional for Edge”. Install the app and a green down arrow button will appear on the top right corner of the Microsoft Edge. Going back to the karaoke song search, open the video file (song) found from your search. Press the down arrow button to select a format and begin downloading.

NOTE: Instructions provided here for use of song files are intended for personal and non-commercial use. No legal opinion is provided and users are recommended to consult their legal experts.