KTV Commercial Installations

Hub Zero – Dubai UAE, Norwegian Joy – Shanghai, China, Majestic Princess – Hong Kong, Alamo Draft House Cinema – Dallas, TX, Karaoke Hut – Honolulu, HI, Ninja Lounge – Miami FL, Radio Star Karaoke – Manhattan NY, BellyQ – Chicago IL, …

Begin with JB-199 III Premier

Multi room KTV begins with the JB-199 III Premier unit as a building block. The JB-199 III Premier has dual Ethernet  ports, one for the server and one for the E-Songbooks. Each JB-199 III Premier unit is connected to the server for the convenience of song update & management, room reservation & assignment, service call, etc.

Demanding Performance

Durable — JB-199 III Premier is “built like a tank” to withstand the demand of commercial environments. It is also designed to accommodate happy customers via multiple independent access points of Touch Screen monitors, E-Songbooks, and Smart-phones. It lets everyone to enjoy the karaoke 24/7!